As a parent or carer, you are an important part of our school community. We offer a range of services to support you and your family.
Counselling for families
The school counsellor can assist when families undergo a trauma or big change. Contact us to make an appointment. For information in community languages, see school counselling service.
Outside of the education system, free telephone counselling services are available to support families who may be going through a difficult time.
- Lifeline – 24-hour telephone counselling service. 13 11 14.
- Mensline Australia – 24-hour telephone counselling service for men. 1300 789 978.
- Parent line – an advice and information service. 1300 1300 52.
Interpreting and translations
We will help you communicate with our school. If you’d like an interpreter for a school meeting, let us know and we will arrange one, if available.
If you don’t speak or understand English well and want to contact us, call TIS National on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language. The operator will call the school and get an interpreter to help. This service is free.
For more information, listen in your language.
Visit the department’s translated documents section for important information that’s relevant for your child’s education in many languages.
Parent involvement
Parents’ involvement is critical in effective educational planning for students. Parents are expected to attend planning meetings for their child. Parents are always welcome to attend special events and assemblies. There are many other ways parents can become involved in our great school. Parents seeking to volunteer at the school are also welcome, please get in contact with the school to arrange this.
Our community
Sir Eric Woodward School works closely with our community of schools both locally and via distance. Our students belong to a community within the public education system that is supportive and inclusive. SEWS continually seeks and provides opportunities for students to be part of this community. A close partnership with our neighbouring schools, and schools across NSW enables students to access opportunities for integration as required.
Sir Eric Woodward School has strong community links with numerous local organisations and businesses.
These ongoing partnerships generously provide support to our school in a number of ways. We are very lucky to have fabulous volunteers, receive generous donations and expert advice to enhance our learning programs and school environment.
SEWS Association
The Association commenced operations in the 1970s when a committed band of parents realised that, to obtain the best outcomes for their children, the best thing to do was build a school that catered specifically for their diverse needs. Funding was sourced and the school commenced operations in the mid-1970s. The Association operated as the governing body of the school and appointed the Principal. The school was purchased by the Department of Education in the early 1980s. The Association has continued to support the school with its directors all being parents of pupils who attend or attended the school.
Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C)
Our Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is made up of parents and carers, teachers and community members. The P&C meets regularly to contribute to decision-making, developing policies and management plans as well as fundraising.