Sir Eric Woodward School engages a specialist music teacher, who is generously funded through SEWS P&C.
Music lessons can address a number of sensory needs for our students as it provides concrete, multi-sensory stimulation (auditory, visual, and tactile). Music lessons support the development of skills such as:
- active, improvised music making (using both instruments and voice)
- release and exploration of emotions
- listening
- non-verbal and verbal communication
- use of both gross and fine motor movements
- sequential memory and recall of information
- self-management of behaviour
- verbal discussion
Music Wednesday was an intiative of online learning and we have continued our Music Wednesday sessions to join our F2F classes and our DESU students in a fun whole school approach to engaging in Music.
In addition, SEWS now offers Tacpac as part of the music program. Tacpac is a sensory communication resource using touch and music to help communication and social skills. To find out more go to Tacpac